Cachoeira Encantada
With a height of 230m the Encantada falls near Itaetê offer you some nice views, as from above as from below. In both cases you will also have a view on about 400m of canyons.
There is possibility for an overnight stay nearby.
Cristais, "Chrystal-falls"
The Christal-falls have been named so because of their light-effects and allowing the spectators an interesting christal clear view.
These falls are part of a three hours walk amongst which you will also pass along the Três Barras falls and the Bequinho falls.
Ramalho (Andaraí)
One of the main attractions of the city of Andarrai.
Worth visiting with the Poço Fervedor (the "cooking pool")
Buracão (Ibicoara)
Localized in the "Parque Natural do Espalhado", one of the most impressive falls in the region with a fall of about 85m tumbling down in an immense canyon.
The only way to get there is with an authorized guide from the local village.
Mixila (Lençóis)
With 80m the Mixila-falls are located in an extraordinary cânion with several pools where one can take a well deserved swim.
As the walk is long to get there you would be better of camping at the site and in the meanwhile have a passage at the Cachoeira do Capivari falls and the Poção falls.